
The company employs a professional team with twenty years of experience in the field


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About us

A&M INSPECTION is a highly qualified young and dynamic company that offers industrial services to customers operating in different sectors such as oil and gas, pharmaceutical, Industry and Power Generation, Green Energy; oriented to maximize quality standards.

The investment in research and professional training of each inspector has allowed us to obtain excellent results on all markets by providing a full range of industrial services and consulting.
A&M INSPECTION meets all the needs of our Clients with the supplying of profitable collaborations and performances with a management which has over the years been of strategic, technical and economic importance in supplying of services and outsourcing activities to our Customers.
The experience consolidated in years of activity enables us to acquire and follow the operating practices of Clients, following and realizing the provisions of the responsible agencies.
Confidentiality and fairness, the goals always achieved, and the capabilities of our Task Management have strengthen over time many important collaborations and acquisitions of commissions, with the important trust recognized by many authoritative and prestigious Clients.
The history of our Task Management and of many partners who have been collaborating with us for over a decade, boasts very important results and references, with loyalty stories over the years from our Clients, supporting a Management Policy and Strategy based on professionalism, reliability, fairness, with a staff provided with the necessary qualifications required, expert in evaluations and compliance with current normative regulations.
Our references and the satisfaction that the Customer has given us over the years start from the professional ethics on which our principles are based, up to the skills ,safety and spirit of cooperation always shown in order to attain the objectives required by the Responsible Authorities of the Customer.
The ability to verify the potential of suppliers, qualify their production and organizational skills, evaluate and enforce implementation schedules.

Andrea Mosca //www.aminspection.it/storage/2019/08/signature.png